Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Story to be told.........

     Hello, and welcome to a blog with a very specific reason for existence; to tell the story of one man's journey up the footpath known world-wide as the Appalachian Trail, starting in Springer Mountain, Georgia, and ending in Damascus, Virginia.  No, it was not the classic 6-month trek known as a "Thru-Hike", in which you continue on and end your self-inflicted task at Katahdin Mountain in Maine, but for ME personally, it was still the journey of a life-time.  So please, if you were one of many of my ardent fans and benefactors who supported me and helped make this adventure possible, puruse these pages and read the nitty-gritty details of this journey as I can best remember them.  And even if you are a complete stranger to me and have been brought here by whatever circumstance the Gods may have dictated, then read on anyway and you just may be enriched in some way by it.  It will be my honor to share this life-changing experience with you.

     And thus, we begin, on a Kindle Fire somewhere in the depths of the deep South.............